Baby Greens Sweet Potato Soup


Creamy without any cream. Blended sweet potatoes have a creamy consistency by themselves. I baked some sweet potatoes ahead of time thus this soup was super fast to make. Heathy and nutritious and the greens add more texture and flavor.

1 onion diced
2 celery sticks diced
2 carrot sticks diced
3 baked sweet potatoes
2 cups tightly packed baby spinach and baby kale
2 vegetable bullion cubes
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Salt pepper
Smoked paprika and dried basil for garnish.

In a pot sauté onions with olive oil till golden. Then add celery, carrots, water, and bullion cubes. Boil till carrots and celery are soft. Add baked sweet potato and bland everything in a blender or with an immersion blender. Return to the pot if used a blender and add greens to the soup. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Simmer till greens become wilted. Spoon into a bowl and garnish with smoked paprika, dried basil, and drizzles of olive oil. Enjoy!